Be sure to carefully read any instructions included in a question (or part thereof) so you don't leave points on the table!

Specific instructions will be included within a question when a response needs to be entered in a particular way. This is most often the case with the use of negatives, when rounding may be an issue, or if an answer may be N/A or 0

If the specified instruction is not followed, the response(s) will be graded as incorrect.


Below is an example of Rounding instructions. Rounding instructions often include an example.


How to Round

Rounding on our platform follows standard rounding convention.

  • If the following number is less than 5, round DOWN.
  • If the following number is 5 or higher, round UP.
  • Most rounding will be done to a specified number of decimal places.


When asked to round to two (2) decimal places, your answer should reflect no more than two digits to the right of the decimal using the convention above:

  • 2.2538 rounds to 2.25 since the 3 that follows the 2nd decimal place is less than 5.
  • 2.2558 rounds to 2.26 since the 5 that follows the 2nd decimal place is equal to 5.
  • 2.2568 rounds to 2.26 since the 6 that follows the 2nd decimal place is greater than 5.

Occasionally, you may be asked to round to a whole number. The same convention applies. If the following digit is less than 5, round down. If the following digit is equal to or greater than 5, round up.

  • 2.2538 rounds to 2 since the 2 that follows the decimal is less than 5.
  • 2.5558 rounds to 3 since the 5 that follows the decimal is equal to 5.
  • 2.7568 rounds to 6 since the 7 that follows the decimal place is greater than 5.

When needed, you will also be instructed on when to round. For example, not until your final answer.